Cherries are well known to everyone for centuries and their health benefits have been tested throughout the years.
In the eastern medicine treatment with cherries and sour-cherries is a tradition, as they are believed to be easily absorbed.
We give you some benefits of the cherries:
They are rich in vitamins of various groups – A, B, C and P, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Nutritional qualities of cherries are high and to this we owe the improvement of processes in the body and brain after consumption.
Cherries contain coumarins and oksikumarini – biologically active substances that normalize blood clotting.
Eating cherries strengthens blood vessel walls. This is due to anthocyanins and carotenoids. They are recommended for lowering blood pressure.
Cherries are good source of iron and help with anaemia.
Cellulose in cherries helps for peristalsis.